The Beauty and Difficulty of Soulmates and Twin Flames

The image that springs to mind when thinking about soulmates, is that it is this magical fairytale of meeting the perfect person who sweeps you off your feet and you live happily ever after. And though soulmate connections can be very magical, the reality is not like a fairytale.

The beliefs of how the spiritual world works, and the terminology used to explain it, differ per person. So always use your own discernment to see what resonates with you. You don’t have to believe anything that I or anyone says. If the knowledge helps you to understand some things better, good. If not, don’t worry. Always trust your intuition; your inner knowingness.

What is a soulmate?

To know what a soulmate is, we have to accept the notion of having a soul first. That we are not our bodies or our minds, and that there is an energy in us, a light, that is you that experiences life through you.

All souls are born from the same Source as light. You can call this Source whatever you like. Such as God, Spirit, Universe, or Creator. We all come from the same Source and we are all connected and part of something greater. All souls go their own way, learning lessons and experiencing the universal life.

People that have reincarnated on Earth, have a soul plan, which they devised with their team of spirit guides who help them achieve their plan on Earth. So you are never alone, never abandoned, never forsaken, and always deeply loved by your Creator and your spirit guides.

A soulmate is literally what it says: a soul mate. A soul you know for longer than this life. It could mean that in a past life or several past lives, you were family members or partners or had another significant relationship. It’s like having made friends with souls during all your adventures and you chose to meet up with each other.

twin flame soulmate life partner divine masculine divine feminine sacred union

How to know if it is a soulmate connection?

Soulmate connections are often characterized as relationships that are formed easily. You have a feeling of recognizing the other or having known each other forever despite barely having met. Often small synchronicities occur between the two of you. For instance, with certain quirks, having similar interests, the way you both show up in life, and/or the way you met. You can sense each other on a deeper level than with other people. In your current life, a soulmate can be a family member, it can be a friend, it can be a romantic partner, or a business partner.

Soulmates versus twin flames and karmic soul connections

So besides soulmates, there are a few different kinds of soul connections: karmic soulmates and twin flames.

Karmic soul connections, what is it and how to recognize it?

Some soul relationships are karmic. That means that two souls made an agreement with each other to mean something to each other. To offer a lesson; to bring awareness to something that needs to be healed. These connections often feel familiar and intense right from the beginning. Once the karmic contract has been completed, these karmic soul connections often swiftly remove from your life.

These karmic relationships can be toxic. And whether you are in a soul relationship or not, once you realize you are in a bad or toxic relationship, you have to take care of yourself. That can mean that you have to decide to leave the relationship and this might actually be the lesson that you need to learn. But many stay in a toxic relationship because they feel it is their soulmate or twin flame.

Twin flame, what is it and how to recognize it?

Twin flames are both karmic and soulmates and more.

Some think that the whole soul never completely reincarnates in a human body, but only a piece of it. And that twin flames are two parts of that same soul that split off and each went on their own journey and reincarnations.

Others call this ‘dual souls’ and define twin flames as two souls who were born from Source at the same time.

And yet others say this is no different than having a twin flame from the same soul.

Anyway, most of the literature on twin flames suggests that a twin flame is a soul that split in two and each went on their way.

Despite the exact definition of a twin flame, all agree it is the most intense loving soul relationship that can form.

Often when twin flames meet, their lives change completely and their union feels like a divine orchestration. The connection feels very intense, and there is a strong attraction. They often immediately recognize each other and/or feel they have known each other for a long time. Their inner connection can be so strong, that they can spiritually connect with each other such as with telepathy. These connections often are accompanied by a lot of synchronicities. For instance, in the way they meet, in their interests, values, and morals, as well as having certain parallels in their life experience and circumstances.

As twin souls, they mirror each other completely and that can be very confrontational and confusing as a twin flame relationship defies the rules of a conventional 3D relationship. This may bring up obstacles and to overcome those obstacles, unconditional love is needed for themselves and their twin to come back together.

Twin flames have an endless potential for growth and deepening their connection.

This is also what makes a twin flame connection karmic. The connection shines light on all shadows and that can be accompanied by a lot of turbulence and the relationship can even seem toxic. Especially to their friends and family.

The karmic phase often consists of one or more phases of separation. These separations can be immensely painful as it feels like missing a core piece of yourself but these separations are necessary for healing and getting closer to each other. Both flames promote each other to be their own full reincarnation.

However, in contradiction to a karmic relationship, twin flames can burn through the karmic cycle through healing. Twin flames have an endless potential for growth and deepening their connection.

During the karmic phase of twin flame relationships, there is often a chaser and a runner. Wherein the chaser is aware of the connection and the runner is running away from the connection. Because twin flames are complete mirrors of each other, that means that if one is running away from the other, he/she is actually running away from him/herself. The intensity of the love can be too much and too confronting. However, at least one of the two must be aware of the connection, as otherwise, the twin flames will stay in this karmic cycle.

The chaser is in the divine feminine energy and the runner is in the divine masculine energy. And this is not gender, only the energy in that situation. So the person who is in the divine feminine energy, can be either a woman or a man. And it is not uncommon for the man to be aware of the connection and for the woman to run away from it. Once they come together in union, naturally the man would be more in the divine masculine energy and the woman in the divine feminine energy.

For this situation, to be in the divine feminine energy, is to be aware of the connection. Your job is to keep your heart open. To be grounded in your heart and trust in this divine connection and knowing it will all work out. To be in unconditional love for the partner and give him/her the space and grace to heal and come to the realization of what this connection is.

It is not easy to be in the divine feminine energy, to keep the heart open despite the pain it does, and to be forgiving despite the actions of the other person. Because in twin flame connections, even something as simple as being ignored by the other twin, feels like betrayal.

It can help to view the actions of the other twin as the acting up of their wounded inner child. And just when your child would be angry at you, you would still love your child unconditionally.

To be in the divine masculine energy in this situation means to be more on the fear side of the relationship. You're running away from the connection out of fear, but what you're really running away from, is from yourself. It could be that you feel unworthy of this love. This situation can be very confusing and challenging but it invites and guides towards healing.

Know that if you are longing for the other. The other is feeling that as well.

For twin flames to come in sacred union, each first has to come in union with themself. Because they are a mirror to each other, that means that when the divine masculine has healing to do, the divine feminine also has some healing to do. Even though it doesn't have to be as much as the other.

Healing yourself, focusing on your purpose, your mission, and your happiness, helps bring the other twin flame to get (back) to you. You have to wait without ‘waiting’ for the other.

Once twin flames get into divine union, they join their energy for their mutual purpose. One of their purposes is to support and help each other with their divine mission. However, often they have a similar purpose in the world. In this day and age, many twin flames are getting into divine union for the greater good of humanity.

When to meet my soulmate or twin flame?

You came into this life with a soul plan. A mission. If you want to attract the best partner to share your life with, then focus on your happiness, your mission, and work on your healing if something comes up that needs healing. Healing is the stripping away of all the traumas and other low-vibrating energies that keep you down. The more you heal, the more authentically you are yourself, and the more authentic you are, the more easily you will attract your partner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are soulmates real?

That is up to you to experience and believe.

Are soulmate relationships easy?

Yes, some can be. Every relationship requires work. But soulmate relationships are characterized as relationships that can go very easily and grow very quickly.

Are soulmate relationships hard?

Yes, they call these relationships karmic and these can be very hard. But it just means that the two souls agreed with each other to mean something to each other and then each will be on their own path again. Unless they are twin flames, in which case they long to get back together.

Can a soulmate be the same gender?

Yes a soulmate can be of the same gender. A soulmate can be anything, such as a family member, a friend, a business partner or a romantic partner. So if you are attracted to people of the same sex as yours, you can find a soulmate. If you're not and you find a soulmate of the same gender, that doesn't change your sexual orientation.

Can a soulmate be a friend?

Yes, a soulmate can be a friend. Often they become your best friend because of the depth and recognition of the connection. My best friend who committed suicide when I was 16, was a soulmate. I refer to him as my soulbrother.

Can soulmates feel each other?

Yes, soulmates often have the possibility to feel and sense each other on a deeper level than with other people.

Can soulmates be separated?

Yes, not all soulmates are meant to be in your life or to stay in your life. However, in the case of finding a soulmate as a romantic partner, focus on your mission, on your happiness, and on your healing so that you can attract your life partner.

Can a soulmate connection be one-sided?

If you are true soulmates, then it is never one-sided. However, one person could be aware of the soul connection, while the other is not. In that case, the experience of this connection in the 3D world will feel one-sided.

Can a soulmate be a life partner?

Yes it can be. From a certain level of consciousness, that is what you will most possibly attract. Once you have experienced the depth of the connection you felt with a soul connection, there is no turning back.

How do soulmates meet?

You will find your soulmate when you are supposed to meet. Your spirit guides, the universe, and your Creator, all work together to make sure you meet each other when the time is right. In the meantime focus on your path.

How to know he/she is a soulmate?

You will recognize the other. You feel a deeper connection with the other person and you might even sense and feel the other person. For instance, you get thoughts and feelings that are not yours, but from the other. If you're meant to be together (for a while) the connection will develop quickly and strongly. If it is karmic, if will become very intense as well. Often these connections come with synchronicities.

Why is my soulmate married?

We have more than one soul connection in this world. It could be that you find a soulmate of yours and you recognize this soul, you feel the connection and perhaps it is mutual. However, it does not always mean that a soulmate is meant to be your life partner. It could also mean the timing is not right. You don’t know what the divine reason is for meeting each other. Always stay true to yourself.

Will my soulmate ever come back?

It is possible, but you don’t know. You may not be meant to be together. Perhaps another soulmate is supposed to be your life partner. Even if you are meant to be together, the other person has free will and can make a decision at any given moment, which can alter the course of you two coming together. This can be very tough to experience. It can help to go to a good psychic medium. The medium can tell what the energy at that moment reads and whether it seems likely you will get back together. Nonetheless, you don't have guarantees. The only guarantee you can give yourself is that whatever happens, you got you. And you will make sure you live your best life!

Jos Tijhuis

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