Heal trauma and free your divine masculinity!

Get better relationships and become a better man, husband and father

Step Up To Your Divine Masculinity

Men are superheroes! They can carry heavy burdens, be of service, and sacrifice themselves all for a higher purpose!

However, there is more to men than meets the eye. Men are often wounded without realizing it. As men have been told since a young age to be tough, to suck it up and move on, they were kept small and discouraged from being boys and later are put down for being too masculine while shaming it as toxic.

This has made men passive, having difficulty with intimacy, connecting with their partner, regulating and expressing emotions, following their purpose, and more.

Men therefore are presented with the huge challenge to break free from their old pain and conditioning. To seek out the discomfort to grow into their highest self.

This path of self-growth and healing is for the brave who feel called upon to embody the divine masculine. So they become better men, husbands, and fathers! And the world desperately needs these divine masculine men.

How I Got To Be Where I Am

After many years of self-development, one of the most intense journies of healing came when I entered a relationship with a conscious woman.

To my surprise, I showed up as a little boy in the relationship, got triggered, would shut down in conflict regularly, became anxious, and didn't even recognize myself anymore. I felt like I was beyond repair to be in a relationship.

However, I realized I had to heal my fatherwound, motherwound, inner child, (sexual) traumas, and break old patterns if I wanted to be become the man I felt I was and able to hold a healthy conscious romantic relationship.

masculine embodiment through healing trauma, mother wound, father wound, inner child and coaching

This was me at the beginning of the journey

Luckily I was at the time in a program to become a trauma-informed coach, and I got to directly apply the methods on myself to heal everything that came up.

The results speak for themselves: I became better aware of my emotions and triggers, got triggered less and less and was able to communicate them better, stopped people pleasing, set better boundaries, became more present in the relationship, became more stable and resilient, feel more in alignment with my purpose, and much more!

masculine embodiment through healing trauma, mother wound, father wound, inner child and coaching

This was me 5 months later in the journey

Are You Coachable?

You're not broken and nothing is wrong with you. In your essence, you are already a divine masculine man. But your masculine core can't express itself fully because it is blocked by past experiences. These past experiences are stored in your body. And with the coaching, these blockages and traumas will be addressed and healed. It will require bravery, discipline, and patience to be willing to work on this. Once you put in the work, you'll see the following results:

  • More present in the relationship
  • Better boundaries
  • Better communication
  • More stable and resilient
  • Easier to hold space for the feminine
  • More intimacy with partner
  • Better relationships
  • More in alignment with purpose
  • More powerful
  • Happier and free to take lead over your life

Ready To Start Your Journey?

Book a free discovery call to learn more about working with me