About Jos

A little background

Always when I see a single mother with a child, I feel extra empathy for them. Knowing from my own experience as a child of a single mom, and the oldest child of four, how it feels to grow up with struggling finances, to feel unsafe, to feel responsible for the siblings, and wanting to take care of your mother.

My parents divorced when I was 10 years old. I grew up mostly with my mother. When I was 16 my best friend committed suicide. When I was 17, my mother died and was then reanimated because of a procedural error in the hospital, when I was 18 my mother got into a high-impact car crash, when I was 19, my mother underwent surgery for a brain aneurysm. Most of the time these years we only had ourselves to cope with the circumstances.

You do what you have to do to survive as a family, so as a kid, you do whatever you can. Looking back at this period, I realized I felt lonely during that period and experienced the world as very dark. I struggled at school, couldn’t relate to my peers and when I was 18 I got severe glandular fever and a destructive psychopath entered my life. (That’s a story for another time.)

My Journey

It was when I entered a relationship with a certain woman, that all my wounded inner child parts would come out. All those parts whose needs were not met when I was younger, now felt safe to express themselves and be seen. It destroyed the relationship, but for me it was a beacon of light.

I was now aware and could navigate towards my healing. I realized how my entire upbringing was directly related to the problems I had within the relationship.

Fortunately, I was at the time in a program to become a trauma-informed coach and applied the methods to myself to heal the inner child, the father wound, the mother wound, traumas, old conditioning and more. It made me more aware, I became better at communication, more present, better at setting boundaries, and got more self-worth and self-respect.

If you want to learn more about this journey, you can read so here.

A better world starts with you

I know what it is to feel stuck, to struggle, to feel blocked, to live for others and not for yourself. I have done so until I was 33 years.

If you want to contribute to a better world, start with healing yourself. Be the light in the darkness so you can help others see.

Break free from generational trauma, personal trauma, and inhibitions, and live life to the fullest. Dare to be foolish, dare to meet challenges with a smile, live life with fervor and fortitude and a grain of salt. As it is all a game.

The world is a lot better and a lot safer with strong awake divine masculine men. Men who serve a purpose bigger than themselves, who build a world wherein we all have enough to live happily and healthy and in harmony with nature. A world wherein the feminine is safe and protected, and children are free and guided by their loving parents in a sacred union. Men that bring the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Want to start your journey?

The best day to start was yesterday, the next best day, is today.